About Following Your True Azimuth
Welcome to the Follow Your True Azimuth micro podcast, a frequently infrequent dose of inspiration.
When you invest 5 minutes to listen to an episode of this podcast you'll hear stories from people just like you who struggled to follow their own true azimuth. You'll hear about the results people have reaped by honoring their true self, bravely taking action, and holding steadfast in their pursuit of living fully in alignment with who they are.
I hope the stories you hear will incite you to act and galvanize you to follow your own true azimuth.
So many people live their entire lives without the slightest awareness of their true azimuth. Many who know what their true azimuth is, never summon the fortitude to take action. And often those who do manage to take action struggle to tenaciously follow their course.
They end up living a life marked with regret, disappointment, and doubt because they are not living in alignment with who they truly are nor in alignment with what they truly can become.
Don't be one of those people.
Subscribe right now to this micro podcast.
The brief stories you hear will serve as an example of what happens when you honor your ideals and live your life in alignment with them.
G. Scott Graham
June 30 2022

What is an Azimuth?
The number one question I get about business coaching or career coaching is not how much I charge or how frequent sessions are or even what my qualifications are. It's "What is an azimuth?"
An azimuth is a course from where you are to your destination and is represented by the 360 degrees on a compass.
A magnetic azimuth represents the effect of the earth's magnetic field on your compass at your location.
So if you really want to go 90° East true azimuth, you can't just point the compass and go. You need to know how much the earth's magnetic field affects your compass where you are. Only then can you "correct" your compass and follow a true azimuth to your destination.
What are the "magnetic pulls" in your life?
In life, you can also choose many directions. But most people underestimate the magnetic pull of bad habits, stale thinking, and old assumptions. These impact their efforts to move in a certain direction.
How can you be sure to follow your "true azimuth"?
To be effective in our life we need to know where we are, where we want to go, and then develop strategies and tools to enhance our abilities to "correct" old habits, thoughts, and assumptions. Then we need to get going!

About G. Scott Graham
G. Scott Graham is an author, a career coach, and a business coach in Boston, Massachusetts.
Scott is driven to help clients follow their “true azimuth,” which is different from “true north.” It means coaching clients to identify the true focus of their life — something that speaks individually to them. It means recognizing the forces that push our lives off course and adjusting to them so you get where you want to go. It means that when you are 90 years old and you look back on your life you have a sense of pride, accomplishment, and meaning — with no regrets.
Key Facts about G. Scott Graham
Born: May 31, 1963, Cleveland, OH
Full name: Gregory Scott Graham-Stephens
Education: Antioch University New England, University of South Florida
Founder: True Azimuth Coaching, Willoughby Rescue, Vermont New Hampshire DOT SAP Services

Sunday Oct 09, 2022
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Wanda Davis is an educator, certified coach, professional speaker and author of From Head to Heart in London, Ontario.
https://www.facebook.com/wanda.davis.794628 https://www.linkedin.com/in/wandadavislondon/ https://www.instagram.com/wandadavis823/
The Follow Your True Azimuth Micro Podcast is a frequently infrequent dose of #inspiration. G. Scott Graham produces the show and hosts people who #strive to follow their true azimuth. In just 5 minutes, you'll hear about the #results people have reaped by honoring their true selves, bravely taking action, and holding steadfast in their pursuit of living fully in #alignment with who they are.
https://podcast.trueazimuth.biz https://trueazimuth.biz http://gscottgraham.com
#TrueAzimuth #gscottgraham

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Cathy Nesbitt is a Worm Advocate and Founder of Cathy's Crawly Composters (est 2002) located in Ontario, Canada.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathynesbitt/ https://www.facebook.com/CathysCrawlyComposters https://twitter.com/Squirmhttps://www.youtube.com/user/rhgn2112
The Follow Your True Azimuth Micro Podcast is a frequently infrequent dose of #inspiration. G. Scott Graham produces the show and hosts people who #strive to follow their true azimuth. In just 5 minutes, you'll hear about the #results people have reaped by honoring their true selves, bravely taking action, and holding steadfast in their pursuit of living fully in #alignment with who they are.
https://podcast.trueazimuth.biz https://trueazimuth.biz http://gscottgraham.com
#TrueAzimuth #gscottgraham

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Anne Montgomery is an author, journalist, sports official, teacher, and foster mom.
https://www.facebook.com/anne.montgomery.359/ https://twitter.com/amontgomery8 https://www.instagram.com/annemontgomeryauthor/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-montgomery-1b995b23/ https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14081564.Anne_Montgomery https://www.amazon.com/Anne-Montgomery/e/B00JOEIL4A
The Follow Your True Azimuth Micro Podcast is a frequently infrequent dose of #inspiration. G. Scott Graham produces the show and hosts people who #strive to follow their true azimuth. In just 5 minutes, you'll hear about the #results people have reaped by honoring their true selves, bravely taking action, and holding steadfast in their pursuit of living fully in #alignment with who they are.
https://podcast.trueazimuth.biz https://trueazimuth.biz http://gscottgraham.com
#TrueAzimuth #gscottgraham

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Lori Potts is the Author of "It's OK to be Beautiful! Thirty Days to Healing, Health and Hope for a Beautiful Life" and the Founder and lead pastor of LAP Ministries Inc.
Instagram: @loripottsFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoriAPotts
The Follow Your True Azimuth Micro Podcast is a frequently infrequent dose of #inspiration. G. Scott Graham produces the show and hosts people who #strive to follow their true azimuth. In just 5 minutes, you'll hear about the #results people have reaped by honoring their true selves, bravely taking action, and holding steadfast in their pursuit of living fully in #alignment with who they are.
https://podcast.trueazimuth.biz https://trueazimuth.biz http://gscottgraham.com
#TrueAzimuth #gscottgraham

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Douglas E. Noll is a lawyer-turned-peacemaker, author, speaker, teacher, and visionary in central California.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/dougnoll/ https://www.facebook.com/DouglasNoll https://twitter.com/dougnoll https://www.instagram.com/douglasenoll/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtAHXdBT1Y0Pl7SGrM_HcFw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLMgSgzfVqHdriHEN3MiIKA www.pinterest.com/b990204361f85f4a8ac1a25a9a0920
The Follow Your True Azimuth Micro Podcast is a frequently infrequent dose of #inspiration. G. Scott Graham produces the show and hosts people who #strive to follow their true azimuth. In just 5 minutes, you'll hear about the #results people have reaped by honoring their true selves, bravely taking action, and holding steadfast in their pursuit of living fully in #alignment with who they are.
https://podcast.trueazimuth.biz https://trueazimuth.biz http://gscottgraham.com
#TrueAzimuth #gscottgraham